Organic Red Baobab Tea
Red Baobab Tea is an entirely new addition to the tea world. Boasting a very high antioxidant capacity equal to that of green tea, it infuses easily with a warm golden red colour and a distinctive light tangy citrus flavour.
Red Baobab Tea is comprised of the internal funicles (fibres) of the fruit of the African Baobab Tree, wild-harvested from open forests in rural Zimbabwe by local village communities. B’Ayoba purchases Organic Baobab Fruit directly from smallholder harvesters, organizes transport, processes the tea and engages in international trade. Our key mandates are to improve the situation of Zimbabwe’s poorer rural communities and protect the Baobab forests for future generations to benefit from.
Red Baobab Tea is 100% natural and raw. It undergoes no heat treatment or irradiation. It is preservative-free, additive-free and non-GMO. The only processing is the physical removal of the fruit pulp (funicles, fruit powder and seeds) from the pod, the separation of the funicles by hand and mechanical processing to a tea cut. Red Baobab Tea comprises just 2% of the Baobab Fruit's total weight, making it a rare product and unique tea.
Antioxidant Capacity
Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (μmol/g)
Red Baobab Tea * 508 μmol/g
Green Tea ** 495 μmol/g
Black Tea ** 335 μmol/g
Earl Grey Tea ** 248 μmol/g
* Source: The use of photochemiluminescence for the measurement of the integral antioxidant capacity of baobab products, Besco et al, 2007 (from a test of the Baobab Funicles)
** Source: Comparison of antioxidant capacities of different types of tea using the spectroscopy methods and semi-empirical mathematical model, Bartoszek et Al, 2017

Red Baobab Tea – processed tea cut